
Artisanal, liminal, seminal

Sleep, lots of it, has been my modus operandi of late. I did mention that I am an Olympic champion […]


In addition to coping, I realized today that I am grieving. It is a natural and healthy thing although it


I have often said, and heard others say, “I’m coping.” Usually, that implies something positive. It’s like saying, “I’m ok,

Tick talk

These days, I don’t spend enough time outdoors but when I do, I always enjoy it. There is a lot

Another day and life goes on

Sometimes, you just have to accept another day when it comes, and also accept that life goes on. Sometimes, you


I’m raw and unfocused today. Overnight, we learned some news that is hard to process and absorb. Think of the

Hurting those who love us

Something I have known and experienced my whole life is the truth of the statement that we often hurt those

Gritted teeth

Today has been a day of gritted teeth. The optimism and positivity I’ve espoused before have been hard to muster.


No, not the American holiday. I refer to just the word: thanksgiving. It means, at least according to one definition,

The post vacation haze

You know the drill: You plan a vacation and look forward to it happily You then bitterly regret said vacation

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