The Tao of Steve

Southern Alps, New Zealand

Some time ago, as a kind of joke, I started posting simple sayings on LinkedIn and called them “Daily Wisdom from the Tao of Steve.” Please understand, I do not think I am a particularly wise person, nor do I think of myself as having especially wise things to say. I don’t take myself that seriously, at all.

The main idea of writing them was to express certain things that I have come to understand over the past fifty plus years, and to express them in a sort of pithy way.

Here is a selection of some of them:

Sometimes all you need to feel better is a haircut.

Try to find something of joy in today, as today will never come again.

If you really want to learn and understand a particular subject, be a conscientious teacher of it to others.

Silence does not always equal agreement. And sometimes, silence is more powerful than speech.

The loudest voices are not always the ones you should listen to.

You cannot fully grow and improve as an individual or organization unless you are open to criticism, to acknowledging wrong. Those who suppress or reject criticism are the real source of toxicity.

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