Work, work, work

A lot of physically demanding work got done this weekend, thankfully. I cleaned out the gutters, which is a dangerous thing to do when you have a two story house on a hill. But it really needed to be done since so many pine needles and leaves had long ago clogged up the downspouts. We can’t afford to install gutter guards yet, but that would be really helpful in preventing the problem.

I also finished power washing the front deck and part of the house, removing years of dirt, grime, and gunk. The front deck was especially important to finish so that the cracks in between the boards in the walkway were cleaned out to enable water to drain. Over the years, as dirt accumulated, the deck became especially slippery during wet and cold weather.

Many more things are left to complete, including painting the front door and the side door to our garage, as well as the surrounding trim. The garage needs to be cleaned out for the first time in about 15 years, as well, and there is quite a bit of yard work to finish. One of the teenagers helpfully did a lot of leaf raking and burning already, but there is more to be done.

It’s all work, work, work.

Here’s the good part, though. For the first time in years, all of this necessary work around the house seems possible and doable. That is a sign that I’m getting better, physically, and that the modest amount of exercising I’ve been doing is helping. Another positive is the weather right now, which is practically perfect in every way. Soon, the weather will turn much colder.

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