Tick tock time

As our anniversary present to each other, yesterday, my wife and I picked up a large grandfather wall clock. See photo below. Turns out it isn’t antique as we originally thought; instead, it is a replica. Even so, we are really pleased with it, and it is the first of this kind of old fashioned clock we have ever owned. It seems now as if it has always been here. The soft tick tock is soothing, and the hourly chimes are, too.

We purchased the clock from elderly people in a tiny place about 40 miles north of Madison, WI. It was quite a long drive for my wife and I, but in the end, we felt it was worthwhile. It was bitterly cold and snowy but we navigated the roads safely.

At over three feet tall, the clock now takes up a prominent place on the wall of our living room. I hope it will be a sort of family heirloom.

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