
It is hard to keep going when hope is lost. And when hope is lost, it is surprisingly hard to get it back. These are some of the thoughts running through my head of late.

This morning a Bible verse came to me:

Blessed is the man who perseveres under trial, because when he has stood the test, he will receive the crown of life that God has promised to those who love him.

James 1:12 (NIV)

Perseverance is an important character trait, as this verse highlights. You keep going, just keep going, somehow trusting that things will work out.

Another thought I’ve frequently had lately is that every day is a gift; every day is unique and cannot be repeated. I think we all get overwhelmed at times by what we are going through. It is hard sometimes to see or feel like anything good can be found in a particular day. But good can always be found, somehow, or so I believe. I often need help to look for and find it, that’s all.

I hope these ramblings offer a small bit of encouragement to someone else. They are neither revelatory nor unique, I realize.

Don’t lose hope. Keep going. Look for the good.

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