A bed frame behemoth

Thanks to the amazing generosity of a family member, we have a new bed frame for the first time in […]

Disunited states

This long, horrible, no good election season is not over yet. Almost, but not yet. I am mildly optimistic that


Absence from writing here lately does not equate to lack of eventful days. Really, it just means that my mind

The deed is done

Last night, my wife and I drove to a nearby ballot box to deposit our mail-in ballots for the upcoming

The power of observation

A powerful yet simple truth is that we learn quite a lot from observation. I’ve been thinking about that this

The last rose of summer

Yesterday evening, I went for a walk and happened upon a rose bush still in bloom. It was a cheerful

Hope flickers

Change, including positive change, is rarely easy and quick. Yesterday, I happened to look back on all of the previous

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